Well, hello. It has been a long while since I posted on the blog. It has been quite too long. Like everyone else, I let life get in the way. I guess I am not …
If you desire to find ways to grow your faith, check out the resources for prayer, bible study and more.

Tips For Your Adult Sunday School Lesson or Bible Study
Sunday School is a little bit different now. Churches today may have an adult Sunday school class listed under “small groups” or bibles study group. Today’s Sunday school class may not even meet on Sunday. And, “Sunday School” can be entirely online now. And, that is okay too.
The important thing is that you are getting that time studying the Word of God, reflecting on it and understanding how to apply it to everyday life.

Christian Coloring Pages For Adults
Your favorite verses can come to life with scripture coloring pages. In this blog post, you will find inspiration to use coloring sheets to get into God’s word or even create your own Christian coloring sheets. Plus, you can go here to download some free coloring pages.

20 Inspirational Bible Verses For Your Instagram Bio
Your social media profile is a way to show the world your personality. And, it is also a vehicle to showcase your love for Jesus. And, your Instagram bio is a great profile to showcase both. Furthermore, what you place in your bio may also encourage someone in the faith and even better –into faith.

How to Read the Bible in a Year
I honestly would recommend reading the bible in a year to anyone. It re-affirmed some things for me, and I definitely opened my eyes on some behaviors that I needed to correct. There are several benefits of reading the Word of God. But, I believe that a better appetite for the Word of God was created in me as a result of reading the Bible in a year.
So, I wanted to share with you 11 tips on how to read the bible in a year. These are suggestions that I found helpful along the way.