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I am purpose driven and goal-oriented. I imagine that you are in the same boat if you are reading this post.
But, here recently I had a come to Jesus meeting with myself. Because for YEARS, I have consistently asked God what will He have me to do. What is my purpose? And, I believe that there is nothing wrong with this question. You may have been like me and prayed to God about His will for your life.
Yet, I would get frustrated at times, because I felt that I didn’t hear God clearly or that the answer was not being provided.
How to Know God’s Will for Your Life
It seems like that we are so pressured to be in our purpose or calling. The requirement in our social media-fed lives is to be crushing goals consistently and quickly. We live in a world that tells us if we are not hustling and rushing, we are not living right.
Yet oftentimes, I am reminded that God speaks to us through a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12). And, it is hard to hear a whisper in the midst of notification dings, our epic to do lists, rush hour traffic and just everyday living.
Yet, I have been graced enough as of late to actually hear something. And, it is telling me to slow down and that God’s timing is perfect. I am learning that God’s will is not as complicated as I make it out to be.
What is God’s Will?: Your Answer is in His Word
There are several bible verses that focus on God’s will for you. But, I feel when you are searching for God’s purpose and plan for your life, I want you to first consider Matthew 22:37, which reads
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’
In this passage of scripture, Jesus goes on to tell a group of religious leaders that their is one more command that carries great weight, which is found at Matthew 22:39:
And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.
These two verses help to shape God’s purpose for our lives- Love God and Love His People! We can look at Jesus’ perspective further in Luke 10. When an expert in the law asks how he should gain eternal life. Jesus lets him know that the answer was given long ago.
God’s Will for You: Ask these questions
These commandments are truly the basis for God’s plan for our lives. We don’t have to worry about specific plans or details. They will fall into place. Our days are God-ordained and he will provide ways for us to fulfill these two commandments. So, when we get ready to end our day, we should ask ourselves:
Did I give God my all today?
Did I show Him how much I loved and appreciated Him?
Did I love my neighbor?
Did my acts of love to my neighbor (the ones that I crossed paths) serve them well?
If you can answer yes to these questions, you are on the right track.
If the answers is no, do not fret. God grants us opportunity with each new day to make a change towards the purpose He designed us for (Lamentations 3:22-23). Pray, ask for forgiveness, and work on some ways to operate within these two commandments (2 Chronicles 7:14).
God’s Will for You Can Be Thwarted By Your Perception

Furthermore, we have to leave behind the spirit of comparison and not focus so much on the future. When my husband and I helped to start a ministry, I began to look outside the church for my purpose within a few years. I acted like that there must be something more grand for me to be working on. I would see other women starting large conferences or taking global mission trips. So, I would get blinded by comparison and not focus on my small church family. Or, I would end up working on projects that would leave me stressed out at home and church.
You might be thinking starting a ministry is huge and carries major responsibility. And, it does. Yet, there have been times that I have been guilty at looking past what’s in front of me.
I was totally missing or at least was not fully devoted to loving on the people within arm’s reach. And, I was so busy planning and worrying about the future, that I wasn’t dedicated to God’s word or carving out personal time for Him.
We have to stop focusing on what’s next to fulfill God’s purpose. We are always looking for the
next house
next job
next vacation
next boyfriend/girlfriend
next <insert your big thing>
There is nothing wrong with dreaming or goal planning, but God needs us to put Him first and to operate in the present. He has the ultimate plan for us anyway (Jeremiah 29:11).
Wherever he has placed you right now, this is your place of purpose. Now look around you and see who is in arm’s reach. They may be in your home, on your job, at your church or in the grocery store.

God’s Will for You is to Have A Heart of a Worshipper and Servant
I found that their are two key roles we can play in fulfilling the two greatest commandments and thus God’s will for our lives. It is the role of worshipper and servant.
In order to love God with all our being, we must be able to worship him in every aspect of our life. Our actions and speech should give God glory privately and publicly. (1 Thessalonians 5:18, Colossians 3:17, 1 Corinthians 10:31)
Jesus provides plenty of examples on how we can love our neighbor. Jesus taught us to be willing to deny ourselves, to help those that are less fortunate, to teach others about Him and simply just to love. But, I really like that Jesus explains to the disciples that the greatest among us is to serve (Luke 22:26).
In fact, Jesus further explained how to love your neighbor in Luke 10.

Luke 10
33But when a Samaritan on a journey came upon him, he looked at him and had compassion.
34He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
35The next day he took out two denariie and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Take care of him,’ he said, ‘and on my return I will repay you for any additional expense.’
36Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”
37“The one who showed him mercy,” replied the expert in the law.Then Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”
We must be willing to serve and offer assistance we can. When we come across our neighbor, our first thought should be how can we help.
What is God’s Will?: It is in Plain Sight
I hope you feel a little less pressure to go searching for your purpose now. I honestly have been a little less frustrated about what God has called me to do. I am asking a little less and less “What is God’s Will?”. And, by focusing on Matthew 22:37 and Matthew 22:39, I am able to really focus on the present.
When something is pressed against my heart, I still try to go to God in prayer and seek Godly counsel (Psalms 37:30, Proverbs 8:14). But, I understand that God does allow us freedom to try (1 John 4:1) So, just live. Your purpose is truly already inside you and you can act on God’s will for your life today— Love God and Love His People. I have some great phone wallpapers just to give you a daily reminder about what is God’s will for your life. Be sure to pick up in the Subscriber’s Library.
And, if you are looking to focus on loving God more, I would suggest you delve more into God’s Word. I share several benefits of bible study here.
Much Love,

What is God’s Will?

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