Showing: 11 - 15 of 16 Articles

What is God’s Will?: 2 Bible Verses to Take Action On

I am purpose driven and goal -oriented. I imagine that you are in the same boat if you are reading this post.

But, here recently I had a come to Jesus meeting with myself. Because for YEARS, I have consistently asked God what will He have me to do. What is my purpose? And, I believe that there is nothing wrong with this question. You may have been like me and prayed to God about His will for your life.

Emotions Faith

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow, Part 2

I thought I would add more to the subject of Worry. In October, I talked about Matthew 6:24-34 in Do Not Worry About Tomorrow, Part 1. And, the three initial lessons I learned about worrying, which were:

  1. Worrying Wastes Time

  2. We Have to Differentiate Ourselves From Unbelievers.

  3. God Knows Our Needs.

So, God tends to show me when I haven’t conquered something. Or better yet, he allows me to get tested even more to overcome negative or sinful things in my life. Does that ever happen to you?

Like I told you before, we are all going to worry sometimes. And, I am learning day by day to try and overcome it. So, I felt the need to slow down and to even go a little further with Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:24-34.