When people tell you to treasure life’s moments with the people you love most, PLEASE BELIEVE THEM. Tell the people that you care about that you love them. As young adults, you may think that you have all the time in the world with your parents. And some of you will, and others won’t. I guarantee you the time will never be enough. So, please do what you can to spend time with your parents. Do something that they would like to do. I promise you will be glad that you did in the long run.

I had no idea that June 3 would be the last time I would see my mom alive or that  June  6 (or even in the year of 2017) would be the last time  I would hear my mother’s voice. I am glad that I got to talk to her, but what I would not give to tell that woman how much I love her again.


  1. What a wonderful way to reflect, she truly knew how much you loved her, and she spent every opportunity around you so that you would know she loved you that much more! I love your expression and pray your continued strength.

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