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When you are at a crossroads in life, it can be a very confusing and even an emotional time. But, God still has a plan for you when you feel stuck, don’t throw in the towel. Read how to identify if you are actually at a crossroads, what to do, and what to learn from the experience.
Crossroads Definition
I always like to include a definition for some of the words I am studying or writing about. So, we need to take a look at a few crossroads definitions. I am not going to lie. When I think of the word “crossroads”, I did immediately think about Bone-Thugs N Harmony. This rap group had a song “See You At the Crossroads”. But, being stuck at a crossroads in life, is obviously more than a rap song.
A true definition of a crossroad, is first, a place, where roads intersect. I am sure that everyone has seen a four way stop. This is an example of a crossroads. So, we see those type of crossroads everyday. But, our crossroads in life typically deal with our emotional, mental and spiritual state.
So, the second definition of crossroads is a main center of activity, and this definition does indeed fit the bill of a life crossroad. However, when we are at crossroads in life, it may not seem that there is anything going on. We may in fact, feel like everybody and everything is moving around us, but we are stuck.
So, when I came across the third definition “a point at which a vital decision has to be made.” This is true when we come across a four way stop; we have to make a choice. So, It is important to understand that life’s crossroads will force us to make tough decisions. This is true when we come across four way stops, we have to make a choice.
At a Crossroads in Life: Here’s How to Tell
We make decisions everyday. But deciding whether to have a hot dog or hamburger is not a life’s crossroads. Now deciding on whether or not to have weight loss surgery, that is a crossroad. So, here’s how to tell when you are at a crossroads in life.
You felt the IMPACT from the stop.
A crossroad is a life-changing event and it can stop you right in your tracks. Crossroads grab your attention. You will be like, “Did that just happen?” If it is a future decision, you may feel paralyzed and incapable of making a choice. When you are at a crossroads in life, they are literally OMG moments.
It is typically something that you can’t IGNORE, but you try to.
Some people will try to ignore a crossroad in life or any difficult decision. But, crossroads are typically hard to just overlook or act like it is not there.
There are other times, you may have tried to go around your crossroad. Maybe you hoped that you could at least backpedal as if the crossroad never happened. But no matter what you do, you typically end up still having to face this life-changing event.
My husband and I wanted to take a trip in Florida and we were literally trying to figure out ways, I didn’t have to cross any bridges. Definitely a hard task. Guess what? We didn’t find any such route, and we eventually had to cross a few bridges to get to a very beautiful place. (Hold on to that).
Crossroads are IMPRESSIONABLE. It is something that you may think about repeatedly.
I read something that “the mind replays what the heart won’t delete”. If you are at crossroads in life, chances are that you are replaying the event that stopped you and trying to make sense of it.
You are INDECISIVE because the decision has the ability to majorly change the course of your life.
When you are stuck at a crossroads in life, the next step you make will be crucial. Any choice you make could have a different outcome. You may find yourself wavering back and forth or weighing pros and cons in the midst of a crossroads situation.
Examples of Crossroads
So, I have found that crossroads can be positive or negative. It does depend on your perspective. But, here are a few examples of crossroads:
Decision on a new job
Answering your ministry calling
a move to a new city
Relationship changes
Death in family
Now, whether it is positive or negative, you may find that you still have some anxiety.
Crossroads includes encounters with Jesus
When you hit a crossroads, you will see the handiwork of God and will understand that He is the only one that can get you through it. I believe Matthew 4:18-22 provides a great example of a crossroad. These fisherman saw Jesus miraculously fill up their net and then they were faced with a life-changing decision.
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (Matthew 4:19 NIV)
The fisherman ultimately decided to become followers of Christ. But the crossroads in your life will have you either drawing closer or further away from God, depending on what you choose.
At A Crossroads In Life? Here’s the purpose.
It is an opportunity to execute God’s will for you.
What is interesting is that the word crossroads is made up of from the words: Cross and Road. That really blessed me. And, it immediately made me think of .Matthew 16:24 NIV
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.
God wants to get glory out of your crossroad. Even if your situation seems negative, the way you handle it may be the very thing that moves someone else to Christ. It will be an opportunity to give God praise and to strengthen your faith.
Crossroads Come to Put You on the Next Level.
God knows when we are ready and strong enough to move to the next chapter in our lives. And, whether we believe it or not, we have the opportunity to come out better after going through a crossroads. Philippians 1:6 tells us that God is not finished with us yet and that He will use us in a mighty way. –
Things to Do When You Are At A Crossroads in Life
One more reference to “See You At the Crossroads” by Bone Thugs In Harmony. There is a line in the song that says,
“Pray, and we pray and we pray, and we pray, and we pray
Everyday, everyday, everyday, everyday”
This is actually a great suggestion and in fact biblical. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT says,

“ Never Stop Praying.”
We often don’t know what to do at a crossroad in life, so the best thing to do is pray. You need to have a conversation with God on a daily basis to really understand the direction God would have for you to take.
Take your turn QUICKLY!
It is better that you act quickly or do not hesitate. You just want to make sure that you are making a move to prevent getting stuck. Because when we get stuck at a crossroads in life, it can take us a while to get unstuck. The worst part of being stuck is that you could fall in the trap of complacency and not fulfilling your full potential.
The first step that you take doesn’t even have to be monumental, but it should be a step in faith. Another reason you want to act quickly is because Satan will move fast. He will come to bring doubts in your mind and to paralyze you spiritually.
So, if you are at a crossroads, do a quick assessment on your next step. Ask yourself, “Is this what God would have me to do? Will my actions line up with the Word of God?” If yes, then be like Nike and just do it.
Have you ever seen a car break down at a stop sign or even busy intersection? What happens? Some people are honking because they don’t understand what’s going on. Others will move around the broken down car, and take the driver’s turn. God has something for you at the crossroads, so don’t let someone else take your turn.
Keep Driving
So, you took the turn/made the first step. Now, keep driving. I will be the first to tell you that it will not be easy. But, just keep letting the Holy Spirit be your guide. Continue to pray your way through. Galatians 6:9 NLT says,
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.
Although you may get weary or don’t see what good would come out of your crossroads, God always has a plan for you that will work for your good (Romans 8:28; Jeremiah 29:11).
Scriptures for Crossroads in Life
I want to leave you with a few scriptures to note for your faith walk. Be sure to jot down these scriptures as mentioned above.
Matthew 4:18-22
Matthew 16:24
Philippians 1:6
Jeremiah 29:11
Galatians 6:9
Romans 8:28
You can also find scripture writing plans to assist with your crossroad in the Subscribers Library. From crushing goals to negative thoughts, you can use these scriptures for crossroads in life.
Peace & Blessings,
P.S. I talk a little about my “crossroads in life” moment in Beauty in Brokenness. It took me a few months to make a decision, but I have learned a lot of lessons that I am truly grateful for.
At A Crossroads in Life

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