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I believe that there is greatness inside of all of us. We have potential that has been untapped and more levels to reach. Good things are waiting on us. Yet, somehow we have let life get in the way. While bad things and past experiences leave us stuck in negative beliefs.
Sometimes, I find myself daydreaming about possibilities and filled with excitement. Then suddenly, negative whispers will creep in. There have been too many days that I care to admit, that I allowed negative thoughts and self-talk keep me from what God has for me. And, that’s a big deal.
But here recently, I found myself saying enough is enough. And, I bet you have had enough too and desire freedom from your negative thought and negative feelings.
Freedom from Negative Thoughts Is A Possibility
My most popular post is 10 Tips to Overcoming Negative Thoughts. I often tell people that I am shocked by this. But, Satan can have us feeling like we are the only ones in the world feeling like this. He is good at that. But, I am here to tell you that you are not. The struggle is real for many of us and positive thoughts may seem far, few and in-between.
So, I wanted to come back to this conversation and add more ideas for you to deal with negative thoughts and self-talk. I hope in this post that you will find different ways to help you combat negativity.
Freedom from negative thoughts doesn’t mean that the negativity will not come. Satan has a job to do, and he is not going to stop. What it means to be free is to recognize negative thought patterns and understand they will come, but they will not dictate your actions or emotions. That’s right. You have the power to tell the negativity, it has to step aside. You can choose positive thinking.You can have a “Not Today, Satan” kinda attitude.
Freedom From Negative Thoughts with These Five Strategies
I remember times in my life, where I was so fearless. If there were any negative thoughts around, I was so focused on my purpose, that I didn’t have time to notice. Do you remember days like this? We can still have them, and God wants us too. God has great work for us to do in His Kingdom. So, try these 5 additional strategies to help you deal with negative thoughts and self-talk in your own life.
Choose Faith Over Feelings
I love to be in the presence of God and to know that He is there. I would be the happiest person on Earth, if God physically held my hand everyday. Wouldn’t that be nice? But, there are just going to be days that we are going to be rocked and ravaged by the storms of life. It will make us question God’s love for us and wonder if He is near.
You may feel like throwing in the towel, when the situation seems less than favorable. But make a different choice. You will have to make the decision to choose faith over feelings. Faith is a call to believe when things are not sunny or even looking up. If you are a person that tends to give up easily, challenge yourself to choose faith. In times of negativity, promise yourself that you will not doubt God and his promises. Look past your thoughts and the feelings that they invoke. And, do what God has called you to do. Act in a positive direction. And, remember to keep your eyes focused on Jesus Christ, who is the author and finisher of our faith.
Change Your Environment
We know that we have to move past our feelings when negative thoughts occur. But, you may also need to move past our physical environment as a new way to deal with automatic negative thoughts. Something as small as a breath of fresh air could be an effective way to change your way of thinking and have you ready to reframe those negative opinions. I have found being among nature can help me stay in the present moment and not worry about the future.
If you are not flocking outside, you may find that a change inside your home might do you some good. Painting a room a brighter paint color or even setting aside time to remove clutter could create a more mindful space for you.
Communicate With Others

Sometimes we just have to get out of our own mind. So, it could be beneficial to seek Godly counsel if you are dealing with negative thoughts and self-talk. I am the first to admit that I could use a bit more encouragement in sharing my feelings and thoughts with my closest family members and friends. Thank God for progress.
However, each time I have shared some of the confidence breakers that I have been dealing with, my family and friends have made me feel so much better. They have prayed for me and spoken life right back into me. My family and friends provided me with strength to fight the negative thoughts and continue on in my purpose.
You may not be at a point that you are ready to talk with others. If not, I encourage you to talk with God. Pray to him for those thoughts and words that are plaguing you.
I am also a firm believer in professional counseling and even medical help, especially if you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or pyschologicial/psychiatric condition. And, if your negative feelings are leading you to contemplating suicide or harming others, you should definitely call 800-273-8255 or go here. God gives us these resources of communication.
Freedom From Negative Thoughts Through Writing

need more help overcoming negative thoughts and self=talk?Purchase the Mind Games devotional filled with encouraging words, scriptures, and affirmation. stop by the shop to pick up your digital copy!
Another important tip to fight negative beliefs and and negative emotions is journaling. You may find it therapeutic to simply write about your day or even those negative words that are weighing you down.
Then, combat those words by writing verses related to your mind and negative thoughts. You could event take it step further and do a bible study focused on specific scripture for combating negative thoughts and take notes.
Through this freedom practice, you may clearly see that the negative thoughts and self-talk are not true or how God sees you. It is truly an easy thing to incorporate.
Affirmations To Stop Negative Thinking
Faith Affirmations or declarations can be effective in fighting negative thinking. These affirmations are statements, based off the Word of God, which are opposite of the darts the Enemy tries to throw at you.
What are some specific issues that are leading you into a negative thought process? Maybe, you have been thinking that you are not pretty enough. You would combat that lie with “God says that I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalms 139:14)” or “I am beautiful because God created me.”
While writing affirmations can be effective, I suggest speaking these faith statements. The affirmations may seem funny to repeat aloud for the first time. The good news is the more you repeat it, the less awkward it will be. But, remember, we are leading with faith and not are feelings.
Fighting Negative Thoughts With the Bible
I hope that you find these tips helpful as you fight your own thoughts in your daily walk. Many people battle similar thoughts and negative experiences, so I hope you know that you are not alone.
The goal is not to be a completely positive person all the time. Because I believe that we all fall short. But, if we can understand the true reality of the moment and that our personal relationship with Christ can help us overcome anything, I know that you can conquer (Romans 8:37) these types of thoughts and self- talk.
These suggestions are certainly not the only way to fight negative thoughts, but I always believe you can never have enough effective tools when you are engaging in spiritual warfare over your mind.
Another resource I have available is the scripture writing plan available in the Saved Women’s Library that includes 30 verses about your mind and negative thoughts. I believe staying in the Word of God can truly make a positive change in your life. So, be sure to download it.
Freedom From Negative Thoughts: A Devotional Here to Help!
I hope after reading this post that you believe freedom from negative thoughts is an attainable goal. If you are ready to take the next step, I encourage you to check out my first devotional Mind Games. It is a 10 day devotional that provides a strategy to overcome negative thoughts on each day. You are also given space to help you incorporate scriptures, affirmations and journaling in your fight against negative thoughts and self talk. Grab the workbook or a digital copy.
I believe that freedom from negative thoughts is possible! We will fulfill our destiny and conquer our negative thoughts and self-talk.
Peace & Blessings,

P.S. What Bible verses or other resources do you use to help calm your negative thoughts and self-talk? I would love for you to share them in the comments below. And, don’t forget to check out the original 10 tips to overcome negative thoughts.

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