God has designed marriage to be a great, beautiful union. Yet, it takes love, work and commitment from husband and wife. These 42 relationship goals can serve as inspiration for you and a great conversation starter with your significant other. This is great for married, engaged and seriously dating couples.
SOAP Bible Study Method
One night after falling down the rabbit hole of Google and Facebook, I stumbled upon the SOAP Bible Study Method. And, this method for study time with the Lord has stuck with me since. Whether you consider yourself to be a beginner in Bible study or you are a seasoned saint, SOAP is a tried and true method to use.
Being Rooted: 3 Scriptures to Remember
The Scriptures tells us that we only need the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20), but it seems that the mustard seed can be so easy to lose these days. But, we have to remember, that faith is more than a feeling. When we want to give up on our faith, that is actually when we must decide to dig in our heels. We must choose to be rooted.
Benefits of Bible Study
But, my appetite for the Word of God truly increased, when I took the time to read the Bible in a year and became more consistent with bible study. Most days, I would read or study daily, but there were some weeks that I would read 3-4 times per week. Yet, I didn’t give up and I read through the entire Bible in a little over a year!
How Deep and Wide is God’s Love
I cannot tell you how many Bible verses that I highlighted in my journey to read the Bible in a year. I never officially told my blog friends that I completed my goal. So, I wanted to let you know that I completed reading the entire Bible in March of this year!
But there was absolutely one verse that I adored and has claimed the title of my favorite Bible verse.